Once Upon A Time: “Two Sisters” – 5 Ways To Ruin A Good Series

When Once Upon A Time announced their Fourth Season would feature Disney’s Frozen, many took this as a sell out. It’s true that adapting the Disney film a few months after it had been released absolutely sounded like a way to capitalize on the film’s popularity; but I still decided to give the premier of…

Once Upon A Time: “Kansas” Looking Ahead

With Zelena’s plan foiled, Charming and Snow’s baby safe, Rumplestiltskin’s proposal to Belle, and Regina now becoming the hero, it seems like everyone in Storybrooke will live happily ever after – or will they? There is still one more episode left this season – two back to back actually. It seems as though Zelena’s time…

Once Upon A Time: “The Jolly Roger” Looking Ahead

It’s the episode we’ve all been waiting for: an episode completely about Captain Hook. Well, more like 85% about Captain Hook, but regardless he certainly took center stage this time around as we find out exactly what he regrets from the year everyone has forgotten. Though with his past finally behind him and his future…